April 7, 2003

Wherefore A Blog?

Posted in Creative at 8:45 pm by Ian

Nearly everyone I’ve told about this blog has responded the same way, which the following verbatim conversation will demonstrate:
Ian: Hey, look. I have a blog!
Ian’s Adoring But Somewhat Befuddled Friend: A what?
Ian: You know, a weblog.
Ian: Like, a web page where I write stuff…
IABSBF: Oh. Cool. [short pause] Why?
As if I needed a reason.
The answer is simple. I was sitting around the other day and I realized that the only thing keeping me from widespread fame and success was my lack of a large and cultured worldwide audience. I set to work, and after great travail produced the following. Furthermore, I’ve gained an understanding of what was really holding me back. The only things I was lacking were:
1. A large and cultured worldwide audience
2. A blog.
Now that the latter (and certainly more difficult) of the two is taken care of, I expect to attain greatness any day now.

You Had To Be There

Posted in Inconsequential at 12:59 pm by Ian

No, really. I can’t even explain it.
It was great, though.